Per uno studio integrato di uomo e ambiente ad Aquileia: alcune riflessioni a partire da recenti indagini archeologiche

Daniela Cottica;Marco Marchesini;Silvia Marvelli;Marta Novello;Paola Ventura

pp. 99-123, Figg. 9, Tavv. 3

DOI: 10.26406/RDA41-006

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This paper presents results of interdisciplinary studies undertaken at different sites in Roman and Late Antique Aquileia. The main aim is to reconstruct details of the ancient landscape and modes of interaction between human beings and nature through time. Data were collected during recent archaeological investigations carried out at the following sites: in the Forum of Aquileia (western section), in some residential buildings next to the Christian Basilica, in the periurban quarter along the eastern section of the ancient river and in the northern necropolis, along the Via Giulia Augusta. Information on relationship between the human and natural components at each site, as retrieved by archaeological investigations, were implemented by extensive archaeobotanical analyses in order to offer an articulated and diachronic overview of dynamics of interaction between man and natural environment at Aquileia.

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