Memorie familiari sepolte. Considerazioni archeologiche, epigrafiche e antropologiche sulla tomba 399 della necropoli di Posmon a Montebelluna

Annamaria Larese;Franco Luciani;Nicoletta Onisto

pp. 43-55, FIgg. 5, Tavv. 2

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The first part of the paper describes the archaeological context and the grave goods found in 2002 in a Roman tomb within the necropolis of Posmon, near Montebelluna (Treviso): the burial, which contained ashes and burnt bones of one individual and few typically female objects, has been dated to the beginning of the second century CE. The second part of the article focuses on a new epigraphical document coming from this tomb: it is a small bronze tablet bearing an inscription which records L. Horatius Longus, who was a tribune of the second cohort of the vigiles and one of the highest magistrates in a municipium. The third part of the paper presents the results of the burnt bones analysis: they belonged to an adult female. The presence of the bronze tablet dedicated to a man inside a woman’s tomb leads to the interpretation of this object as a family heirloom.

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