L'edilizia privata nelle insulae 3 e 4 della regio V di Pompei

Helg ;Riccardo ;Anna Casellato;Chiara Maratini;Maura Marella;Annapaola Zaccaria Ruggiu

pp. 57-89, Figg. 6, Tavv. 6

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The research activities at pompeii insulae V 3 and V 4, connect to a broader field of studies on the topogra- phy of pompeii and on the architecture of Pompeian domestic spaces. The buildings here described explicate different, often combined, functions: residential (V 3, 10; V 4, 3), manufacturing (V 3, 8), commercial (V 4, 6-8). The crucial aim of this research is the identification of the archaeological evidence of structural interventions such as buildings construction or restoration and adaptation of rooms, in order to present a chronological sequence from the samnite period to the last decades of the site. The buildings facing on the north side of the Via di nola immediately offer the general overview of the complex balance between space and function, as a consequence of different activities here involved in the cycle of food production (V 3, 8), food distribution and receptivity (V 4, 6-8). a shop retail or small craft enterprises are often located in rooms rearranged from domestic environments. The bakery installed at V 3 8 is one of the best example here of this peculiar ‘multifunctionality’. Those rooms closest to the streets are privileged places for the sale, while storage rooms are also located in postica – decentralized from the ordinary flow of movement within the building –, preferably in the shelter of secondary openings on side streets (e.g., thermopolium V 4, 6-8).

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