L'approvvigionamento idrico di Nicopoli e l'acquedotto presso Haghios Georghios. Una nuova attestazione di Opus Reticulatum in Grecia

Carmelo G. Malacrino

pp. 107-124, Figg. 9, Tavv. 6

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The presence of an aqueduct at Nicopolis, as in all the most important cities of the Roman Empire, reflects the necessity of carrying water to the several types of urban and extra-urban buildings (baths, fountains and nymphaea, reservoirs). The aim of this paper is to illustrate the building techniques adopted for its construction, to discuss the proposed chronologies and to investigate possible ideological meanings of this monument for the city. Special attention is turned to the presence of opus reticulatum in part of the structure: Iooking into the diffusion of this construction technique in the city, this paper tries to demonstrate that the conscious choice to use it reflects a mark of the Romanitas of these buildings.