Immagini infantili dalla villa romana di Montegrotto Terme

Giulia Salvo,

pp. 115-129, Figg. 2, Tavv. 2

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The paper deals with two childhood heads, discovered in the Roman villa at Montegrotto Terme (beginning of the first century A.D.), in the residential suburb of Patavium. Here, first the so-called Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto and then Padua University, led investigations between 1989 and 2012. During the excavations a small nucleus of sculptural fragments was discovered. Stand out for quality and state of preservation a head of boy and a portrait of a little girl. Both pieces enrich the existing documentation in the Euganean thermal territory. Their typological and stylistic analysis allow some considerations both on the artisans and on their different culutral influences.

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