Giacomo Boni, l’influenza della e sulla cultura giapponese in arte e archeologia (1880-1930 circa)

Yuko Fukuyama;Myriam Pilutti Namer

pp. 153-161, Figg. 3, Tavv. 2

DOI: 10.26406/RdA42-10

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Abstract: Giacomo Boni (Venice, 1859-Rome 1925) was one of the international leading figures of Roman archaeology in the 20th century. Within the vast scientific literature concerning him and his work, the analysis of his meaningful relationship with the Japanese culture based on surviving historical sources has never been tempted. Indeed, since his youth Boni got in touch in Venice with Japanese artists destined for success in the coming decades. Once mature, the Venetian became also well known among Japanese archaeologists, even because he had been in 1921 the tour guide of the prince Hirohito at the Forum and the Palatine Hill. The paper tries to offer an overview on Boni’s large network in Japanese artistic and political élites, broadly examining unpublished historical sources traced in public and private archives. The article also focuses on the influence of Boni’s thought in the development of the discipline of archaeology in Japan.

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