"... e lo fece bruciare con le sue armi belle". Status del guerriero e rituale nelle Grecia della Prima Età del Ferro: tombe con armi nella necropoli di Atene e Lefkandi

Antonietta Marini

pp. 21-56, Tavv. 2

PDF disponibile per l'acquisto. € 29.00

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The study of graves containing weapons, combined with a careful reading of the Homeric Poems, are the instruments which permit the reconstruction of the status of the warrior in the Aegean during the Early lron Age. This investigative approach has been applied to two settlements, Athens and Lefkandi: the phenomenum of the warrior graaes has been examined within a contextual analysis of funerary data and placed in a broader perspective of social reconstruction. The parallel reading of the two realities emphasises, through the diverse elaboration of the warrior figure within the sphere of the burial rites, the different historical development of the two communities.

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