Del “prezioso vetro” raffigurante Daniel de lacu leonum: considerazioni sulla coppa vitrea del Museo Nazionale Concordiese di Portogruaro

Elena Pettenò

pp. 127-139, Figg. 2, Tavv. 2

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The restoration of the vitreous cup with Daniel and the lions, today at the Museo Nazionale Concordiese of Portogruaro, gave the opportunity to reread its iconography and to consider whether it is possible to point out any reuse of pagan elements with a new figurative meaning, which follows the forms of the imagery introduced by the Christian faith. The comparison between the literary and iconographic traditions, concerning the subject under examination, under lines, in its figurative rendering, some similarities with the iconographic schemes of pagan subjects. This process falls within that mechanism of reuse and new elaboration of former models, which was distinctive of the late antiquity. […]

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