Ceramica e coroplastica magnogreca e siceliota a soggetto teatrale in una collezione privata padovana

Alessandra Cannataro

pp. 47-57, Tavv. 6

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The article is based on the analysis of some artifacts coming from a private collection in Padova, which gather a good variety of evidences from the Italic and the Western Greek production. These objects are good examples of Southern-Italy and Sicilian pottery and coroplastic and furthermore they represent a theatrical, comic and satirical, subject.

This was the reason for reconsidering some interesting and discussed themes concerning artistic and handicraft production among the Western Greeks: first of all, the relationship between theatre and its iconography, then the usage, the meaning and the destination both in theatrical and non-theatrical contexts. The study focuses also on two epichyseis, wich reveal in their very original features a significant artistic value and encouraged the interaction between the iconographical and stylistical analysis and a first laboratory test, realized by Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto.

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