Alle origini del piedistallo cilindrico decorato nell’architettura veneziana del primo Rinascimento

Ilaria Turetta

pp. 141-160, Figg. 7, Tavv. 5

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This study deals with a recurrent motif in Venetian architecture of the first Renaissance, employed by the Lombardos’ workshop in chapels and funerary monuments of rich Venetian families, and in various facades and buildings of “Scuole Grandi”. This is a peculiar type of cylindrical pedestal, decorated by festoons and other elements, inspired by Roman altars produced in X Regio between the Ist century b.C. and the Ist century a.C. This study analyzes the origins of this motif, connecting the interest for cylindrical are with sketches, paintings and miniatures realized by the most important artists working in Venice at that time. […]

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