Una nuova lekythos del Pittore di Gela

Raffaella Bortolin

pp. 70-77, Figg. 6

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Il vaso, oggetto di questo studio, è una lekythos attica a figure nere inedita, appartenente ad un collezionista di Treviso. Essa costituisce un esemplare di particolare interesse sia per lo stato di conservazione perfetto, sia per la scena raffigurata sul corpo del vaso, che rinvia ad una precisa realtà mitologica: la lotta di Eracle con il leone nemeo.

This article examines an attic black-figure lekythos from the collection in Treviso. On this vase there is an interesting mythological scene: Eracle fighting the nemean lion. There is little information about it; indeed we know only that it comes from Sibari. Although it is possible that it was discovered in a grave, this is far from being certain. Therefore we can only put forward observations based on the iconographical examination of this vase and on its stylistic characteristics. Considering all lekythoi with this particular representation and comparing them with the vessel object of this work, it seems that, most probably, the vase was manufactured in the Gela Painter’s workshop, perhaps by one of his assistants. Consequently, this lekythos can be dated between 500 and 490 BC.
