New radiocarbon dates for the Prehistory of the Arabian Sea coasts of Lower Sindh and Las Bela in Balochistan (Pakistan)

Paolo Biagi

pp. 5-16, Figg. 9, Tavv. 4

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This paper presents new radiocarbon dates obtained from coastal sites in Lower Sindh and Las BeIa in Balochistan. Samples of marine and mangrove shells have been radiocarbon-dated from eleven sites, mainly shell-middens. Since Terebralia palustris represents the commonest material employed for dating, the results are important also for the definition of the chronology of ancient mangrove swamps which have Ieft no other visible trace on the present landscape. Among the sites, which have been radiocarbon-dated, are those of the Tharro Hills near Gujo, which yielded characteristic Amri assemblages, and Pir Shah Jurio, most probably a port close to the mouth of the Hab River, which has been attributed to the Mature Harappan Civilization.